Dan waits for a nibble on his fishing line as a hot summer day draws to a close. With the air temperatures near 90, we spend much of the day floating around the lake. The water wasn't much relief as it was probably in the mid to upper 80's as well.
A small female Ebony Jewelwing damselfly rests on a leaf in the morning sun.
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Piper J-3 Cub Flying Low
While walking along the shore of Lake Michigan, this vintage Piper J-3 Cub flew by parallel to the beach. It must have been flying less than 100 feet above the water.
The Piper J-3 Cub was manufactured between 1938 and 1947.
Summer Stroll
The boys take a walk along the shore of Lake Michigan on a hot summer afternoon. A small stream empties into the lake in this area, and the mouth changes from day to day creating a different look each time we visit.
Abe's Cabin
The log cabin inside the memorial building at Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace, a national park in Hodgenville, Kentucky. Most likely not the original cabin, but similar in size and construction to the one in which Lincoln was born.
Lincoln's Birthplace
A monumental building surrounds what once was considered the log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born. Probably not the actual cabin, but it did tour around the country claiming to be, and the original cabin was probably just like it.
Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace
Hodgenville, Kentucky
Hanging Around
A dragonfly hanging around the Marram Grass along Kintzele Ditch, a small stream that flows between two dunes and into Lake Michigan.
Cooling Off
A father and his child cool off in the stream on a hot June afternoon. The falls of Waterfall Glen were a quite place to explore on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
High Water Levels
Recent heavy rains raised the level of the Little Calumet River, causing it to overflow its banks and flood nearby lowland areas. The Little Calumet River Trail of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore was partially flooded - even the boardwalk that usually keeps hikers out of the mud and away from plants was under several inches of water.
Out of the Dark
This jumping spider was crawling around on a pane of glass. The flash illuminated the spider, but not the background.
Spring Falls
The canyons of Starved Rock State Park flow with water following a wet spring. This waterfall is in Kaskaskia canyon and is approximately 10 to 15 feet tall.
Dappled sunlight creates a spotlight effect over Lake Michigan's Indiana Beaches.
Taken from an 80 foot tall sand dune along Central Beach.
Sand and Shadow
A bit of fog over Lake Michigan, dappled sunlight and sand kicked up by waves created some great patches of light on the surface of the lake.
3 image panoramic.
Lake Falls in Spring
Sunlight and shadows highlight the moss and rocks of this Matthiessen State Park canyon on a spring afternoon.
Glowing Waters
A short climb down onto a rock ledge gave me a lower vantage point to photograph these falls. A foot behind me was the final cascade into Giant's Bathtub.
The bright sun illuminated the falling water in contrast to the shady canyon walls.
A field of bluebells and horsetail gives the gray canyons of Starved Rock some much anticipated color in early May.
Climbing Out
The boys climb out of Kintzele Ditch toward the foot of a familiar sand dune. Following a winter of extreme erosion by wind and waves, the banks of the stream are wide enough to walk along.
Beaver DAMage
A determined beaver gnawed his way through a pretty large tree along the bank of the Little Calumet River.
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Forest Floor Comes to Life
A sure sign of spring, small wildflowers pop up along the trails of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.