Migrating Sandhill Cranes


Snowy Sandhills 
An overnight snowfall covered the farm fields and the food sources of the migrating sandhill cranes. Following a week of unusually warm weather, this snow was a surprise for all, but these cranes seemed to take things in stride.

The huge annual migration of thousands of sandhill cranes passes through this area each Spring, and is only a week or two away, but there are always early birds. I've seen these early flocks spending the night on frozen lakes, and thousands more in nearby farm fields. South of this location, in the Jasper-Pulaski wildlife Area, people wait for the migration to begin. This area is a stopping point for over 30,000 cranes, and offers some excellent viewing of the birds as they land in the evening and take off in the morning.
   Sandhill Cranes Migrating

Sandhill cranes are large birds, standing three to four feet tall, with wingspans of up to five feet, and their rituals of jumping and dancing are fun to watch. They're often seen flying very high in the sky in large V formations, and generally can be heard before being seen. Their unique trumpeting sounds can help you spot them high above urban areas and rural areas alike. There is a migration in fall and spring, but the spring migration seems to have a larger concentration of birds excited to fly north to their summer feeding grounds.

The Back of the Dunes


The Back of the Dune 
Hiking up for a better view of the ice on the lake, and all of the surroundings, it's always wise to look around to see what's often hidden from view. A good portion of the dune is hidden from the beach, and it's always worth exploring. 

The path up is steep but not dangerous, a bit slippery with compacted sand, fallen leaves, and a bit of ice and snow leftover from the last storm. Up isn't too bad, but down can be a bit of a challenge - super fast if you just let gravity take over, but if you like your limbs intact, then the loose footing on the steep grade be cause for concern. It's always worth the effort.
  The Blowout 
 Sometimes there are formations on the front of the dune, the windward side. This face of the dune can take a beating from the winds off of Lake Michigan, and erosion can begin. When erosion takes place in the middle of the dune, it's called a blowout. A blowout is a bald area of a dune that has trouble growing any vegetation - the dune is basically blown out like a crater. These are pretty common, especially on the foredunes, and seem to attract people. 

Footprints are always seen in blowouts, but I never walk through them, I try to give them a chance to rebound as best they can. But dunes are the most unstable landforms, so they're going to do whatever the wind and rain dictate, there's really not that much I can do to make things better, or for that matter, to make them worse. My feet aren't going to destroy the dune directly, but walking on marram grasses or other plants can harm or kill the plants, which in turn, can accelerate the demise of the dune.

Warm Valley


Warm Valley 
 A well received break in the cold weather has allowed the dunes to green up a bit, and the sunshine sure helped as well. Some areas of these dunes have boreal leftovers that remain green all year. The patches of conifers can be seen mainly in West Beach, but small areas are seen in Central Beach, and the Dunes State Park as well. Walking through these areas of conifers instantly changes the feel of the area, often from bright sun and grass to shady Jack Pine; the sights, sounds and smells change right along with them. 

A benefit of hiking these dunes in winter is the fact that there are no ticks! Ticks love the dunes, especially the marram grass, and theres a lot of marram grass at the dunes.
  Dune Awakening 
 Even though the dunes are beginning to wake up, there are still signs that winter still has a grip on the area. A line of shelf ice can still be seen on shore, and the deciduous trees such as oak and sassafras are still without their leaves. It'll be a few weeks at least before the spring flowers arrive, until then, it's a back and forth dance between winter and spring.

Ice Lagoon


Ice Ball Lagoon 
With the break up of the ice, interesting formations are found on the beaches of Lake Michigan. These structures of ice are ever-changing throughout the periods of freezing and thawing, taking shape with every wave and splash of the lake. 

Miniature environments that mimic vast land features elsewhere on earth can be spotted. Some appear to be mountain ranges, cliffs, lakes, oceans, estuaries, and canyons. Looking much like a lagoon filled with giant ice balls, this formation caught our eye as we made our way back from a hike through the rolling dunes. 

Hiking with me can be challenging at times, I stop periodically to investigate things that most people don't see, or don't bother to see. Stopping every so often to look and more importantly listen - it's incredible how the dunes and these ice mounds can block the sounds of the nearby cities and the crashing waves of the lake. Wind and wave sounds instantly disappear when traversing a dune, and temperatures can rise and fall just as fast - in summer or winter.
  Chicago Beyond the Ice 
 First time visitors may surprisingly notice the Chicago skyline across the lake. At approximately 40 miles, the tops of the buildings are visible from the beach. Hike up a 75 or 100 foot dune, and you can see almost all of the buildings. The elevation helps overcome the curvature of the earth. A six foot tall person can see three miles across water before the curvature of the earth begins to hide things close to the surface. Gaining elevation helps to see a bit farther, and the height of the Chicago skyscrapers assists as well. So it's not unusual to see tall buildings from such a long distance.

Icy Pancakes


Ice Mounds 
A bit of a breeze kicked up Lake Michigan this weekend, sending waves to pound the ice shelf. Every few seconds, loud, muffled thumps could be heard, followed by the splash of water onto the ice, this is how the ice mounds of Lake Michigan are formed, and how they degrade.

In very cold temperatures, this pounding and splashing sprays water and deposits ice chunks onto the ice where it freezes little by little until high mounds are built. At times of low winds, small pieces of ice are pushed against the ice mounds where they freeze in place creating a flat surface of round ice formations. Then the process starts again when the waves return, creating mounds further and further out into the lake. As the weather warms, these waves create a demolition process, where the water and ice erode the mounds. It's evident in the past several days, that this process is breaking things down on the beaches of the Indiana Dunes National Park.
  Pancake Ice 
 As ice forms on moving bodies of water, wind, current, and waves push the small pieces around at will. They bump into each other very frequently, and as they do, their edges raise slightly from the impact, and they freeze. This constant bumping and moving creates ice in disc form, and it's called pancake ice - it looks a lot like a pancake. 

These formations can become very large in open spaces, but here along the beach, they tend to form around two to three feet in diameter. The pancakes also freeze together when the temperatures drop, and break apart when the temperatures rise. Here they're beginning to break apart, and as they do, the same process repeats, and the pancakes can increase in size and become more rounded.
  Pancake Beach 
When the waves finally break through the ice mounds - or erode the underside and slip under - the ice at the shore begins to break up and move around. 

I'd love to have the time to create a time-lapse video of the ice forming and breaking apart over several days or weeks. Right now, the only safe way to do that would be to set up inside a home on the shore. Maybe one day.

Beach Approach

Opening to the Beach 
Entering Central Beach from what was once a road parallel to the lake creates a bit of a grand entrance as the trees open up to the view of the beach in the distance. I remember when you could drive your car almost to this point - you couldn't park it there, but the access was open for the homes that used to be on this road. 

These homes, perched on the dunes, had beautiful views of Lake Michigan, but they were all bought out by the national lakeshore. Years after acquiring the homes, they were razed to add area to the park. There are a couple of historic homes at the end far of this block, that remain because of their historic status; and are part of the national park.
  From the Rocks 
 Many years ago, large boulders were brought in and installed along the shore to prevent erosion of the road and the many homes lining it. This measure worked as hoped, the road is still intact, and the homes on the tall dunes have not fallen into Lake Michigan as the dunes of Central Beach have. We refer to this area as "the rocks" and it's been a turning around point of many, many hikes. The rocks do provide a place to view the lake, especially during periods of high waves or ice. The waves and splashes don't reach you as you enjoy the view, and there is no danger of falling into the water or through the ice. 

I hope the areas acquired by the park will soon become trails and look-out points. These areas were once roads, driveways and house foundations, there is a basic trail system already there, it just needs marking and mapping. I'm optimistic because some other areas have been turned into trails - areas near Kemil Beach are now marked trails, and old home sites near the entrance of Central Beach are now an area of primitive campsites.

A Sunny Day for the Beach


The last thing I thought I would see on a February afternoon was a couple sitting on the beach enjoying the sun! And I'm sure they were there to sit in the sun, they brought beach chairs. The day was unseasonably warm, around 38 degrees Fahrenheit, with the first sunshine in many days, so it did seem warmer than it really was. And when you're between the mounds of ice and the dunes, the wind is blocked so it's surprisingly warmer than the surrounding area. I have to say it was a rather pleasant day to spend walking on the beach to take in the different stages of melting ice. I was surprised there was still so much ice on the lake, when all of the snow has long melted away.
  Out From the Shadows 
 Finding a bit of higher ground, gives one a much better view of the ice and the surrounding area. I'm still amazed how this place changes over such short periods of time, and how other things in this environment remain constant. Dunes are one of nature's most unstable landforms, they change more frequently than anything else, so this change is to be expected, and should be desired. Instead, visitors are kept off of the dunes because they may hasten the erosion of the dunes. Mother nature's forces work far better and faster than any person could, so we should be allowed to enjoy the dunes, instead of avoid the dunes.
  Declining Ice Mounds 
 Gaining that bit of elevation allows you to zero in on some of the details of the ice, and pick out some interesting formations. This formation seems as though there were several ice plates that fell on each other, but it's simply how this particular mound was melting. This is an example of how the ice mounds are not what they seem, and can be hazardous to walk on. These voids may not have been so large a few days ago, but they certainly were weak spots that were hidden and probably dangerous.

High Above the Frozen Shore

High Above the Ice 
Walking on the beach when there are mounds of shelf ice on the shore is quite the experience; you're surrounded by dunes and ice - even the sound is muffled. But what's even more interesting is viewing the shelf ice mounds from above. Of course you can't climb the ice mounds safely, and most of the dunes on the beach are closed to hiking, but the few areas that are allowed certainly guarantee a fantastic view. 

With the ice melting this week, a lot of the chunks were floating away from shore, and being this high, you could see white ice almost to the horizon. As the breeze blew, the ice slowly moved away from us, only to be deposited somewhere along the shore when the winds change.
  Frozen Overlook 
Depending upon the angle of the sun, the trees at and near the top of the dunes cast shadows on the beach below. It's often difficult to get a sense of scale in such an environment, but the visitors walking their dogs give an idea of just how high the dunes are, and how vast the beach and lake really are. 

There isn't much time left to see these ice formations, I suspect they'll be broken down in a week or so. Now is the time to head out to see them for the last time until next winter.

Winter Stroll on the Beach


Winter Stroll 
 A welcome visit by the sun helped warm things up the newest national park, and people headed to the beach for a leisurely stroll. It's odd walking on the beach at this time of year, first because practically nobody visits the beach in winter, but also because you're sandwiched between sand dunes and ice mounds, and the shoreline is pretty much a valley between the two.

 Even though the sun was shining, at times the ice and cold water of Lake Michigan created some fog that hung around the dunes. The fog appeared and disappeared a few times as the afternoon progressed.
  Wide Beach 
 Two years ago, the Park Service introduced fees to visit the Indiana Dunes National Park. Sure the money will go into park improvements, but I highly doubt anyone was happy about the fees, especially those people who live close by and visit almost daily to walk their dogs, or just unwind on a walk by themselves. 

I haven't seen too many empty days here, so it would seem people are paying the fees - or they simply take their chances by parking without a valid park pass. My best guess is that locals do the latter judging by the lack of hangtags in the cars.
  Leftover Snow 
 In a matter of days, the rest of this ice will melt, and the waves of Lake Michigan will once again pound the shore, moving the sand, rock, and logs, in a dance that takes place day after day, month after month, and year after year - no matter who visits the park.

Ice Breakup at Kintzele Ditch


Breakup at Kintzele Ditch 
Several days of unusually warm weather is taking it's toll on the shelf ice along the Indiana shore of Lake Michigan. Formed by very cold weather and pounding waves, the ice mounds build rather quickly in stretches of frigid weather, at times piling up 15 feet tall and extending into the lake hundreds of feet. 

Temperatures in the 40s often begin the melting process, even though the water is still 34 degrees, the ice breaks up. The running water of Kintzele ditch assists this process by eroding the ice quickly, and the chunks broken off the mounds collide with other ice, breaking more and more ice away.
  Shrinking Ice 
Unlike last weekend, the sun was out in full force this day, brightening up the ice and deepening the blue waters of Lake Michigan. It's hard to believe people will swim in this spot in just a couple of months time. 

The sunshine brings a warmth to the view, even if the temperatures at this time were only in the 30s Fahrenheit. Walking between the dunes and ice, you are blocked from most of the wind, and for all by two minutes of hiking, I was ready to remove my coat. Once we climbed the dune to the Central Beach access, it was cold again. Layer are the key, they can be removed and added quickly.
  Shelf Ice Remnants 
Getting a bit of height over the shelf ice mounds, the lake and floe ice come into view. When we arrived at the beach, there was a lot more floe ice floating just off shore. But within a couple of hours, the breeze blew most of the ice west. It's interesting how you don't notice the ice moving as you look into the lake; just like clouds, they're always moving and changing but you really don't notice the movement unless you pay close attention.

The Upper Dells in Winter


Upper Dell Canyon in Winter

Matthiessen State Park's canyons are referred to as Dells; there are upper dells and lower dells. If you look up the term "dell" it means a grassy hollow or dried stream bed, often covered in trees. The landforms of Matthiessen are nothing like dells! They're certainly more like canyons, steep walls of rock, flowing streams and waterfalls, not small "u" shaped valleys formed by long gone streams. I suspect the terminology was carried down from Wisconsin's own Dells, where steep rock walls line the river. 

Whatever you call them, they're spectacular to visit at any time of year - especially when the weather is cold enough to freeze the waterfalls flowing over the canyon walls.

  Giant's Bathtub 

 My unofficial count of waterfalls in Matthiessen is 9, including the popular falls everyone sees, and some that are off the beaten path (a couple on no paths whatsoever that take a bit of climbing to view). I've been unable to find any document listing all of the names of the waterfalls and canyons, even looking at historic items from when the park was called Deer Park. Lake Falls, Giant's Bathtub, Cascade Falls, Devil's Paintbox are commonly viewed and well known, but if anyone knows the names of the other falls throughout the park, let me know.

Dunes of Snow and Ice


Blocking the Shore 
Walking along the Indiana shore of Lake Michigan, one can't help but notice tall sand dunes. They extend for miles and miles, and often well inland in some places. There's something very interesting about visiting in winter, you have dunes on both sides of the beach! The natural sand dunes are on one side, and the dunes made of ice and snow are on the other, and you walk right down the center of them in a sandy valley that is actually the shore of Lake Michigan. 

I've often thought these mounds of shelf ice give visitors the impression they are high above the Alps, looking down at the snow covered mountains. Framed correctly, a portrait taken here could be mistaken for one taken in a mountain range.
  Dunes of Snow 
 If you're high enough to see over the mounds, Lake Michigan's waves can be seen battering the windward side of the shelf ice, you can see just how these mounds are built - one splash at a time. The Michigan City East Pierhead lighthouse is also able to be seen on the horizon, dwarfed by the ice and high waves.

Capturing the Ice at Kintzele Ditch


Capturing the Ice at Kintzle Ditch 
A frequent hike for us along Lake Michigan is from Central Beach to Kintzele Ditch, a stream flowing between dunes into the lake. It's ever-changing, and especially interesting in winter when the ice and snow create all sorts of creations. 

Knowing the beach and this area is key to keeping dry (and safe) because the stream changes course on the beach due to wave action. One week the stream flows directly into the lake, the next week it jogs right for 200 feet, then the next it's left 100 feet. One must be careful not to walk on any ice that forms on this stream, it's always thin, and because the water level changes so often, it's often hollow beneath. Fall through and you'll be wet up to your knees - unless you trip and you'll be soaked from head to toe with a mile walk back to the parking lot.
  Above Kintzele Ditch 
 No matter how easy or challenging the hike might be (depending on conditions), it's always worth the trek. It's a bit off the well-beaten path of beachgoers, but it is a rather popular place to seek out and enjoy. 

Kintzele Ditch divides Central Beach and Mt. Baldy, making it a turning around point for walking on both beaches. In warmer weather, or if you don't mind cold, wet feet, you can walk through the stream to reach the adjacent beach.

Several years ago, before all of the regulating of trails and paths, one could hike up the stream for quite a way, and enjoy a completely different experience at the dunes, one I don't think was available anywhere else in the park.
  Blocked by Ice 
The ice along the shore of the lake is only around for a few short weeks each year. Once the weather warms up for a while, the ice will break up and melt, and unless there is another period of very cold weather, it's gone until next year. Get out and see it while it's there - but stay off the ice.

Shelf Ice at the Indiana Dunes National Park


The Winter Dunes 
 Each winter, I look forward to ice along the shore of Lake Michigan, especially the mounds of shelf ice that form during cold, windy periods. For over a week, the area experienced temperatures as low as minus 10 Fahrenheit, and snow as deep as 36 inches. 

While the snow has all but melted because of recent temperatures in the 40's, the shelf ice remains. Today, high winds created waves that pounded the outer edge of the shelf ice mounds, possibly creating more shelf ice, or breaking it down - it's difficult to tell with the warm weather. Every few moments, a hollow thud could be heard, and a spray of water would shoot up in the distance onto the ice mounds. This constant pounding is what creates the ice mounds when it's cold enough, and the same action erodes it when warm enough. Only time will tell which is happening this week.
  Shelf Ice From the Beach 
 Keeping off the ice, and staying a safe distance from it is the only way to enjoy winter along the shore of the Great Lakes. The shelf ice can be deadly, and even though it's 12 or 15 feet thick, there can be holes and cracks that lead right to the freezing cold water below. The wave action can break off chunks of ice 40 feet wide or more, and roll them right into the lake. Standing on this ice not only illegal, it's really hazardous. 

If you decide to visit the lakeshore in winter, remember to view the ice from a distance. One way to easily tell if you're safe -even if the sand is covered with snow - is to look for the slope in the ground. The beach slopes down toward the lake, and the lake begins where the ice slopes up away from shore. Going no further than this valley will ensure your safety, besides, the best views are from the lookouts on the dunes anyway. But walking along the beach is beautiful as well, you no longer can see the water, just ice, but being sandwiched between tall dunes and ice mounds is pretty special.

The Dual Waterfalls Beyond Cedar Point


Down Into the Dell 
 Hiking Matthiessen State Park's trails is relatively easy and quick, you can see the upper dells and the lower dells in just about two hours. Depending upon the water level of the stream, you can reach a relatively hidden couple of waterfalls - hidden from most people at least. In winter, the footprints in the snow are a dead giveaway that there is another canyon to explore just across the stream, but in warmer weather, most folks don't care to walk through a foot of water. 

 This canyon has two waterfalls, about 60 feet from each other, and almost every winter, you can squeeze behind the ice and head into the ice caves that are formed as the waterfalls freeze across the openings in the canyon.
  Double Frozen Falls 
Venture behind the icefall and you can see all sorts of interesting ice formations, some large, some tiny, but all interesting. 

If the ice along the canyon walls isn't terribly slippery, you can actually walk along the 12 inch wide path above the canyon to reach the top of the waterfall. There, you will encounter a few smaller falls as you head upstream. This area is not marked, but there are steel rings on the canyon wall to assist with balance and safety, although I'm not certain they were installed by the park service. Is it an official trail or off limits? Not sure.

Ice Formations at Lake Falls


Viewing Lake Falls 
Just a short distance from Starved Rock State Park is another series of canyons and waterfalls called Matthiessen State Park. At the head of the upper dell area is a man-made lake, created by a dam across the width of the canyon. The dam forms a scenic waterfall that can be seen from a footbridge as well as from the canyon below. The waterfall is called Lake Falls, and it's spectacular in all seasons, especially winter. The water cascades over the rocks and spreads across the dam, forming intricate shapes of ice, instead of a simple column of ice.
  Ice Details 
 The falling water creates some air turbulence in the canyon, making it rather difficult to keep camera gear dry in the warm months, and beautiful ice crystals in winter. The icy weather allows visitors to easily approach the frozen falls to inspect the formations. 

No matter how cold the weather gets, there is always water flowing inside the icefall. At times, it's not visible as it is in the images here, but the flowing can be heard when up close.
  Icy Canyon 
 The warm, brown sandstone on the canyon walls provides a deep contrast between the white ice of the waterfall. Looking closely at the canyon walls, plants remain green through the entire winter - plants I've only seen in canyons such as these. 

With all of the grand beauty surrounding you, it's often easy to forget about the tiny details of the canyons. When visiting, stop a moment and take in everything around you, look at the details too.

Behind the Ice Pillars of LaSalle Canyon


Behind the Pillars 
There are a couple of frozen waterfalls in Starved Rock State Park that one can easily walk behind, and the most popular is the one in LaSalle Canyon. 

A bit over a mile walk from the nearest parking area, and what seems like 300 stairs, the canyon is tucked deep in the rock formations, well off the river trail. 

This canyon has gotten more and more popular in the winter over the past few years, and for good reason, it's fun to walk behind the ice.
  Panoramic View Behind the Falls 
Careful not to get too close to the ice formations, you can walk completely around them without any trouble. Other icefalls have smaller spaces behind and you'll need to crawl or squeeze to access them. 

There are almost always cracks in the ice columns due to water movement and the weight of the ice. Seeing this, I always keep my distance; a person can be crushed if these let loose. 

The approach to these icefalls can be slippery - of course, they're made by running water and the water has to flow away from the falls. Ice cleats are a must unless the weather makes the surface slushy.
  Ice Pillars 
 In what I refer to as "Good years," the ice fills in the space between the ice columns creating a wide ice curtain that is relatively thin (maybe a foot thick) and the sunlight passes through the ice. This year was just a bit underwhelming when compared to the "Good years," but perhaps after this week's warm up, there will be a freeze and the curtain will once again be drawn across the overhang.

Approaching LaSalle Canyon

LaSalle Sunburst

One of the most popular canyons of Starved Rock during the cold, winter months is LaSalle. It's a bit of a hike from any trailhead and parking lot, more than a lot of people are up for in the cold, but well worth the trek. The approach to the waterfall is lengthy, probably a quarter mile or more from the river trail, and it builds up suspense. Will the waterfall be completely frozen or partially? Will it be a complete curtain of ice, or columns? 

On this trip, following the frigid weather last week, the waterfall was frozen. And relatively crowded for such cold weather - it's good to see so many people exploring the trails. While it can be a bit frustrating waiting for people to move along, I like to include people in the image for scale and interest. There are, however, some easy ways to capture multiple images of the exact same scene in crowded areas and stack them to remove the people, so it could be done.

Taking in LaSalle Falls

This is certainly a time when people stop and take in the scenery, some stopping for a brief view, while others sat in the snowy canyon for 30 minutes or more. As we ventured around the ice, the sun began peeking around the rock formations creating sunbursts and some very warmly illuminated rock surfaces. With an F stop of 14 or more, the camera will take some great sunbursts, depending upon the lens used, and a bit of technique and luck. 

My friend Ken is the master at capturing sunbursts - he's pictured directly in front of the sunburst in the first image.
  Entering LaSalle Canyon  
As one approaches the end of the blind canyon, there are two waterfalls, one obvious at the very end, and another right at the entrance flowing from the large waterfall into the pool that flows into the Illinois River. It's a bit uneventful in winter, yet you can see it in the foreground of the image above. 

The weather is set to warm up this week with some rain heading this way. Too bad it won't stay cold for a few more weeks, I'd love to see how large and intricate these icefalls would get with a bit more time. But, the rain might just help these grow a bit as the temperatures drop again in the evenings. I'll have to head out again soon to check the progress.

Frozen French Canyon

Visiting the Falls in French Canyon

Visiting French Canyon in winter can be challenging. The path to this blind canyon is at times a stream, and in winter, it's ice cascading over slippery rock; ice cleats are a must. Several years back, I overheard a park ranger advising some other visitors to stay out of French Canyon in winter, "It's treacherous, nobody should even try." At times, I agree, and if I'm wearing ice cleats I disagree. There are no steep areas where safety is an issue, and if you straddle the narrow creek on your way up to the falls, you'll be safe. 

On this visit, to my surprise, the canyon was icy, but slushy overflow ran on top of the ice, making the hike into the canyon very wet, but not a slippery as usual - a trade off.
  Frozen French Canyon 
Once inside, the 45 foot tall frozen waterfall came into view, and after a week of sub zero Fahrenheit weather, the falls were beautifully frozen. In these canyons, the clear ice often takes on the colors of the surrounding environment, browns, yellows, and greens. This particular icefall begs to be climbed, but ice climbing is only allowed by permit, and at specific canyons - French Canyon was not on the list this time. 

Starved Rock State Park in Illinois is the second most popular visitor attraction in the state, following Navy Pier in Chicago. One visit to Starved Rock and you'll wonder why Navy Pier is even on the list. 

In all seasons, this park is spectacular, but in winter, it's magical. In years past, I was often the only person in each canyon, only bumping into a person here and there, but lately, the word has gotten out about how beautiful this place is in winter, and it's unusual not to see anyone in the canyons.
  Warm Canyon 
 Even in the 8 degree Fahrenheit weather, the sandstone and conifer trees bring warmth to the hike. And no matter how cold it is, the canyons are always warmer. Protected from the winds, the canyons bring a bit of relief after hiking along the exposed riverbank. Or perhaps when you enter the canyon, you forget about the weather.

Cold Bath for a Giant

Devils Bathtub

A bit more than halfway from Mattiessen's Cedar Point to Lake Falls is a small but dramatic waterfall cascading into Giant's Bathtub, a small pond on the upper dells. In times of high water, it's a bit difficult to reach without getting wet, but it's generally well worth the trek. If your balance is good, you can stay dry by stepping on rocks, logs, or whatever happens to be in the stream at the moment. This waterfall can be reached from an access upstream as well as downstream, but in both cases, you need to walk through the stream at some point.

The best way to see this waterfall, I think, is from the downstream approach, from Cedar Point. The site reveals itself as you walk up to it, rather than seeing it from the top when you're almost falling over it. Heading to the Lake Falls access, you'll need to walk through the stream at the very top of the waterfall. This can be a bit tricky if the surface is icy or otherwise slippery - one slip and you can end up falling down into the falls, and into Giant's Bathtub. Be prepared to get your shoes wet as you walk through the 6 to 8 inch deep running stream.