Round Horse Barn
Palos Hills, Illinois
This abandoned round, single storey horse barn is on the edge of a newer housing development in Palos Hills, so I hope it doesn't get knocked down anytime soon. It's really quite large and interesting, so I hope to get back soon to take some interesting photos.
I like this one.
Thank You.
Isn't this the round barn that used to be a part of Conquistador Stable? Orland Park, 135th street across from Lake Tampier.. I think. Are all the barns going to heaven or are they bought up by developers? Maybe the Cook County Forest Preserve is buying them up & they become ghost barns instead of bringing in an income or leasing out their hayfields rather than letting the fields become havens for ticks.
I'm not sure about the name of the stable, but you're correct with the location. It's across the street from the woods that hold Tampier Lake. As a matter of fact, you can see the Lucky Star Ranch from the south side of the property.
Thanks for the information.
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