The range lights marking the entrance to the St. Joseph River at Lake Michigan take a pounding by the high waves of the lake. Gusts exceeding 50mph churned up the water and pushed it inland and over the pier, washing away quite a bit of sand in the process. A good amount of the shelf ice along the shore either melted, or was washed away by the high waves.

The 35 foot tall, newly restored outer lighthouse still leans a bit, but continues to withstand the winter storms so common to this area. As the waves hit the end of the pier, they create dramatic splashes that engulf the lighthouse and wash over the pier. It's this precise action that often creates the thick layers of ice seen on the lighthouse and pier. The high winds and waves brought out dozens of people eager to witness the power of the wind and water; many of whom stayed in their cars to avoid the wind, cold spray, and blowing sand.
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