Completed in 1898, the "Polish Cathedral" style church is a remarkable example of sacred Baroque Architecture. A thriving parish today, the church draws thousands to worship each week. Masses are celebrated in both the Ordinary Form, as well as the Extraordinary Form, in English and Latin.

St. John Cantius offers the daily Holy Sacrifice of Mass in the Extraordinary Form, often called the Tridentine Latin Mass.

On this All Souls Day, the parish offered a Pontifical Latin High Mass including the Mozart Requiem, sung by the choir with orchestral accompaniment. No microphones were used for the Latin Prayers, some said at a whisper, adding a mystery to the service, but really, this is the time for the congregation to meditate on the former parts of the Mass.

The 2 hour and 15 minute Mass was filled with tradition not regularly seen in Catholic Churches today, such as kneeling at the Communion Rail for the Eucharist, and the use of patens by the altar servers to catch any particles of the Host that may drop.

St. John Cantius is located in Chicago, just one mile west of the famous Chicago Water Tower, and the Magnificent Mile.